Finally at the top of music business equation.
Music Users and Tech companies always run away with their works. SangCash on-boards songwriters to Web3 and arms them with ability to collect more royalties and faster.

No Applause. Just Throw Money.™
Life As a Songwriter
What Songwriters Have to Deal With
  • Songwriter Population
    As much as 70% of the songwriters have left places like New York and Nashville, where the cost of living is high and the chance to earn a livable wage without working other jobs is low.
  • The Time it Takes to Receive Money
    By the time PROs sort through money and metadata, songwriters see money some 9 months later.
  • Low Self Esteem
    A lot of songwriters are just grateful to be cut by an artists because the labels have the power and the artist has the looks when in fact the songwriter is the one who was able to process the emotions, tell the story and use their vocabulary.
  • Too Many Cooks
    Songwriters are the last to receive money in the music pie that includes artists, labels, promoters, and publishers to name a few, leaving them with well crumbs.
  • Desire to become an Artist
    Many songwriters start as topliners adding the hook and lyrics to a melody or existing idea. If songwriters were able to practice their singing, they would provide more texture to the song and open themselves up to play it live.
  • Fan Knowledge
    Many fans of music, especially in pop, country and hip-hop don't realize that the artist performing the song is not necessarily the writer of the song, devaluing the songwriter and inflating the artists' contribution.
  • Antiquated Copyright Laws
    In 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt urgently called for the need to revise the current state of copyright laws. Unfortunately, copyright laws in this country have only been revised once since then.
  • Percent of Ticket Revenue
    Did you know that songwriters only receive up 3% of revenue from live performances.
  • Live Performance Tracking
    The onus is on the songwriter to submit setlists when their songs are played by artists who perform their song.
No Applause. just throw money.
Secure Wallets for Songwriters
We seamlessly open wallets for songwriters, getting them more money and paid faster.
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